Certified Ethical Hacking Certification training center in Abuja Nigeria- Live class and online training

Certified Ethical Hacking Certification

CEH-Cert-Mokcup-02-1A Certified Ethical Hacker is a skilled professional who understands and knows how to look for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems and uses the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker, but in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system(s). The CEH credential certifies individuals in the specific network security discipline of Ethical Hacking from a vendor-neutral perspective.

The purpose of the CEH credential is to:

  • Establish and govern minimum standards for credentialing professional information security specialists in ethical hacking measures.
  • Inform the public that credentialed individuals meet or exceed the minimum standards.
  • Reinforce ethical hacking as a unique and self-regulating profession.

About the Exam

  • Number of Questions: 125
  • Test Duration: 4 Hours
  • Test Format: Multiple Choice
  • Test Delivery: ECC EXAM, VUE
  • Exam Prefix: 312-50 (ECC EXAM), 312-50 (VUE)


Most Advanced Hacking Course

 The Certified Ethical Hacker program is the pinnacle of the most desired information security training program any information security professional will ever want to be in. To master the hacking technologies, you will need to become one, but an ethical one! The accredited course provides the advanced hacking tools and techniques used by hackers and information security professionals alike to break into an organization. As we put it, “To beat a hacker, you need to think like a hacker”.
 This course will immerse you into the Hacker Mindset so that you will be able to defend against future attacks. The security mindset in any organization must not be limited to the silos of a certain vendor, technologies or pieces of equipment.

This ethical hacking course puts you in the driver’s seat of a hands-on environment with a systematic process. Here, you will be exposed to an entirely different way of achieving optimal information security posture in their organization; by hacking it! You will scan, test, hack and secure your own systems. You will be taught the five phases of ethical hacking and the ways to approach your target and succeed at breaking in every time! The five phases include Reconnaissance, Gaining Access, Enumeration, Maintaining Access, and covering your tracks.

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Underground Hacking Tools

The hacking tools and techniques in each of these five phases are provided in detail in an encyclopedic approach to help you identify when an attack has been used against your own targets. Why then is this training called the Certified Ethical Hacker Course? This is because by using the same techniques as the bad guys, you can assess the security posture of an organization with the same approach these malicious hackers use, identify weaknesses and fix the problems before they are identified by the enemy, causing what could potentially be a catastrophic damage to your respective organization.

We live in an age where attacks are all susceptible and come from anyplace at any time and we never know how skilled, well-funded, or persistent the threat will be. Throughout the CEH course, you will be immersed in a hacker’s mindset, evaluating not just logical, but physical security. Exploring every possible point of entry to find the weakest link in an organization. From the end user, the secretary, the CEO, misconfigurations, vulnerable times during migrations even information left in the dumpster.

About the Program

 Our security experts have designed over 140 labs which mimic real time scenarios in the course to help you “live” through an attack as if it were real and provide you with access to over 2200 commonly used hacking tools to immerse you into the hacker world.

As “a picture tells a thousand words”, our developers have all this and more for you in over 1685 graphically rich, specially designed slides to help you grasp complex security concepts in depth which will be presented to you in a 5 day hands on class by our Certified EC-Council Instructor.

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The goal of this course is to help you master an ethical hacking methodology that can be used in a penetration testing or ethical hacking situation. You walk out the door with ethical hacking skills that are highly in demand, as well as the internationally recognized Certified Ethical Hacker certification! This course prepares you for EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker exam 312-50.

What is New in CEH Version 9 Course

  • Focus on New Attack Vectors
    • Emphasis on Cloud Computing Technology
      • CEHv9 focuses on various threats and hacking attacks to the emerging cloud computing technology
      • Covers wide-ranging countermeasures to combat cloud computing attacks
      • Provides a detailed pen testing methodology for cloud systems to identify threats in advance
    • Emphasis on Mobile Platforms and Tablet Computers
      • CEHv9 focuses on the latest hacking attacks targeted to mobile platform and tablet computers and covers countermeasures to secure mobile infrastructure
      • Coverage of latest development in mobile and web technologies
  • New Vulnerabilities Are Addressed
    • Heartbleed CVE-2014-0160
      • Heartbleed makes the SSL layer used by millions of websites and thousands of cloud providers vulnerable.
      • Detailed coverage and labs in Module 18: Cryptography.
    • Shellshock CVE-2014-6271
      • Shellshock exposes vulnerability in Bash, the widely-used shell for Unix-based operating systems such as Linux and OS X.
      • Detailed coverage and labs in Module 11: Hacking Webservers
    • Poodle CVE-2014-3566
      • POODLE lets attackers decrypt SSLv3 connections and hijack the cookie session that identifies you to a service, allowing them to control your account without needing your password.
      • Case study in Module 18: Cryptography
    • Hacking Using Mobile Phones
      • CEHv9 focuses on performing hacking (Foot printing, scanning, enumeration, system hacking, sniffing, DDoS attack, etc.) using mobile phones
      • Courseware covers latest mobile hacking tools in all the modules
    • Coverage of latest Trojan, Virus, Backdoors
    • Courseware covers Information Security Controls and Information
    • Security Laws and Standards
    • Labs on Hacking Mobile Platforms and Cloud Computing
    • More than 40 percent new labs are added from Version 8
    • More than 1500 new/updated tools
    • CEHv9 program focuses on addressing security issues to the latest operating systems like Windows 8.1
  • It also focuses on addressing the existing threats to operating environments dominated by Windows 7, Windows 8, and other operating systems (backward compatibility)
Learn and Earn More-   Top 20 Hacking Tools in 2019- Hack Your Way to Cyber Security Protection
 Ready to take the training check below link:


Author: SouTech Team
Soutech Ventures is primarily an Information Technology Firm, which was created to be the numero uno in business promotion development & implementation, eBusiness & IT systems integration and consultancy industry of the Nigerian Economy and to partners worldwide. Our Core strengths are - Tech Trainings and Certifications - Data Analytics and Cybersecurity Solutions - Software Development & Deployment for SME & Govt. - Tech Internship, HR & Partnerships
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