15 Best Free PHP Frameworks for any PHP Developers (Part 3)


This framework is a lightweight framework built on the popular existing frameworks. It works with PHP 4.5+ version

soutech web developement training fuelphp framework

Its features are:

  1. HMVC features: It is using Hierarchical Model-view-controller framework features
  2. Modular and extendable to a fault: You can divide each project functionality into modules
  3. Security: FuelPHP supports all the latest security patching that other frameworks are doing
  4. Input filtering
  5. URI filtering
  6. XSS filtering
  7. Output Encoding
  8. CSRF token protection like Laravel
  9. SQL injection prevention
  10. Secured Auth Framework
  11. Command Line Access: Oil is the ability of FuelPHP to make use of command line utility like the other framework. The utility enables the developer to speed up on their development
  12. Code Generation and scaffolding
  13. Running Database Migration
  14. Interactive Debugging Ability
  15. Cron Job tasking
  16. Classes for Models and Controllers: FuelPHP classes helps the developer to do the following
  17. Ability to add template controller
  18. Ability to add REST controller for restful api
  19. Ability to combine many classes into one
  20. CRUD ability
  21. Object Relation Mapping (ORM): Laravel is known as the master of ORM but FuelPHP ORM is also superb because it enables developers to use many amazing database features that ORM supports.
  22. All normal relationships in database management e.g One to Many or many to one etc
  23. Nested relation
  24. Cascading of saves and deletes for the object
  25. EAV model implementation for database normalization
  26. Using observers to update/delete instances
  27. Ability to use any frontend frameworks
  28. Mustache
  29. Bootstrap
  30. Twig
  31. Jade
  32. Haml etc
  33. Authentication Framework: The framework has enabled the Oauth access to many authentication attributes that the developers’ application might need e.g social media auth
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Flight (A micro-micro-framework for PHP)

soutech web developement training flight framework

Flight is a simple, light and fast framework which enables developers to build RESTFUL web application.


Its’ features are listed below:

  1. Routing
  2. Extending
  3. Overriding
  4. Filtering
  5. Variables
  7. Error Handling
  8. Redirects
  9. Requests
  10. Stopping
  11. HTTP Caching
  12. JSON
  13. Configuration
  14. Methods
  15. Instances



PHP-MINI is a simple and easy to understand PHP application framework. Actually, it is not a professional framework but it can still do a small scale project. It is really simple to install and has amazing features like

soutech web developement training php mini framework

  1. Clean and simple structure
  2. Beautiful and friendly clean URL
  3. Sample CRUD (create, Read, Update and Delete) features already implemented
  4. Ability to use AJAX to make several calls in the application framework
  5. PDO support
  6. Commented codes in the framework
  7. Ability to use native PHP in the application




Zikula is framework that was built on content management system platform of symfony.

soutech web developement training zikula framework


It has the following features:

  1. Templating ability
  2. ORM integration
  3. API integration
  4. Extension ability


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15 Best Free PHP Frameworks for any PHP Developers (Part 1)

15 Best Free PHP Frameworks for any PHP Developers (Part 2)

Author: SouTech Team
Soutech Ventures is primarily an Information Technology Firm, which was created to be the numero uno in business promotion development & implementation, eBusiness & IT systems integration and consultancy industry of the Nigerian Economy and to partners worldwide. Our Core strengths are - Tech Trainings and Certifications - Data Analytics and Cybersecurity Solutions - Software Development & Deployment for SME & Govt. - Tech Internship, HR & Partnerships
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