9 Crazy Ways To Grow Your Business Within 45 Days

Do you know a  principle most smart business firm or startup are making mistakes about? Really you must understand and always make sure you understand this TODAY!  it SHOULD be the fulcrum of all your daily activities. “Customers are the lifeblood of any business venture”, so it’s important to keep generating prospects and also retaining existing clients. And you know a fact? One out of every three business consider generating new business and acquiring new client as a big challenge and major worry. Through the over twelve years of my experience creating several business and startup companies, also advising business managers and C- level managers I have come to learn some real good ten(9) ways to grow any business within 45 days:

  1. Understanding Leads And Current Customers/Clients:

Understanding your customers and leads/prospects is a very crucial thing if you must succeed in business. There is a lot of talk about personalization and customer centric services and that’s just because it’s at the very heart of what every customer crave for. Who doesn’t want a customized service (just what he/she is looking for?) If you can begin to ask questions today and know what your customers need, that will provide a very good insight on how to create nice products and services that will sell like wild fire. Yes you heard me well. For instance we are into the service of IT and Professional Trainings, We have various categories of customers requiring Digital Marketing training services in Nigeria. So the question is are you asking questions on what your customers really need? Here are some few points: Customers, yes wants to be trained but the question is how do they want to be trained?


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Digital marketing as a case study in the point (Understanding Leads and Current Customers/Clients, people want to be trained in a crash program (say 3 days intensive), some would prefer a week long program (say 6 days), some would prefer a training that happens every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday for a period of 2 weeks), also some would prefer 2hrs every day for a period of 1 month. Do you also know that some customer segment would prefer a training that is just 100% practical been offered as an internship?

Understanding your leads and prospects, even current customer will make you very flexible enough to meet their needs and also create several revenue stream for your business.

“Every business should and must be accommodative and a little bit flexible to meet customer’s needs”


  1. Soutech Career TipsTime Management And Planning For Customer Service And Lead Generation.

 You need to ask yourself a penitent question: What are the most two important ways for me to grow my enterprise? The answer is win new clients and get your existing clients to spend more. Also understand that you don’t want to focus all your efforts on one at the expense of the other because both are very important in growing your clientele base.

Relationship is key to making sure your old customers come back to patronize you and there are several ways to do this. Its proven time and time again that good relationships can deliver amazing business opportunity to you especially when your previous works are completed in due time.

  1. Need For Offering  Amazing Customer Service

To keep your existing customers you need to importantly offer amazing customer service. In fact, research shows that 79% of customers have gone back through the exit door because of poor customer service.

Now, if you do it well i.e. customer service – It can have great impact on your business. This will bring you loyal customer base and repeat clients.

Here is a wakeup call for you to take time to examine how you render customer service, make sure you respond to your customers promptly and keep an eye on their needs.


  1. Make The Most Of Your Personal, Work And Social Networks

Do you know just like me most of your customer base can come from your network and word of mouth? Yes, it’s true and very possible for you to attract constant stream of clients through your network.

Recommendations from others are valuable: “It’s the idea of social capital – the value of relationships,” says Mike. “If I know people that they know, then there’s an implied trust.”

How much do you know about your contact list and how much good they can add to the growth of your business today? Don’t be surprised your next million naira contract is in your contact. Yes… Talking from experience. There is need for you to harness the power of relationship because “there lies a great business tool in relationships: TRUST”. See you already have trust, so the persons in your circle of friends won’t find it difficult parting with money. Someone once said it this way “Networking is really useful. It’s not just about selling a product or service rather it’s about what you can do for people.”

  1. Explore Partnerships Opportunities With Other Businesses

Business to business marketing is one area of clientele acquisition most business over look. Here is the catch, It might be a little bit more difficult to get a B2B customer but most times the benefits outweighs the difficulty inherent and most times 1 B2B Client is worth about 5 B2C( Business to Customer client. The reason is that most business as a client are established and will definitely give you  more and more client also because they have cash, network, long term goals. So you can tap from that.

Always look around for businesses that will be needing your product and services day in day out. It pays more…

  1. Utilize Digital Marketing And Social Media To Drive Your Business


Like it’s said, the world has gone digital.

Throughout your sales funnel:  Lead >> Connection/Sales Call >> Follow Up >> Conversion >> Sale

 (a) Several opportunities abound in your leads and you can get all that via social media and through digital marketing skills

(b) From your leads you can begin sales calls and relationship, connection

(c) Follow up at the right timing is very important in keeping tab with your prospects

(d) Through the above 3 processes, conversion is very likely and possible. You need to help your prospects overcome every obstacle on their way to creating a deal. Social Media and Digital Marketing can help you create conversion

(e) Sale- Persistence is key in achieving sale.

Several opportunities for you to reach out:  there are now excellent opportunities for businesses to reach out via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other networks. Which ones work for you will depend on your business, your audience and the way you like to communicate.

  1. What’s Your Next Big Sustainable Plan?

Soutech Career Tips

Servicing big clients is a smart way to grow your business. Most small businesses are afraid of having big corporations as their clients. But that should not be the case because I can tell you that we have serviced several large multinationals and corporations. Big companies most of the times don’t really seal SMEs as competitors but smart ones see them as helpers. Outsourcing some of their tasks to experienced startups. E.g. Recruitment, IT Equipment’s Repairs and Maintenance, Mobile Apps and Websites, IT Security Audits and Pen Testing Services are thing bigger companies would wan to do themselves but will prefer to outsource to you… The question is are you ready? Do you have the necessary skills to service big corporations? You need to understand that the bigger a company is the more cash it has to outsource all functions and activities that are not its core mandate, vision and mission.

So always see driving sales from large corporation as one major way you can grow and expand your business today.

  1. Maximize Your Strengths

When businesses ask me how to grow their sales or what next they should do to drive sales. My very one question is “What are you doing now that makes sense? What gives you the most cash? What makes you happy?

I am an advocate of telling managers to always work and improve on what works well first before exploring new niches.

Always make big what your strengths are, then when you are overwhelmingly successful you can now get into a new niche easily from the capital base you have built from your exiting business.

  1. Review Your Business:

Always review your business and know how you are doing in driving sales, know what works and keep doing it, explore new grounds and do go for growth!

Want to learn more tricks on how to drive sales for your business, position your business in this digital world? CLICK HERE 

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More articles coming…. Learn to Earn.  Visit us often!


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Author: SouTech Team
Soutech Ventures is primarily an Information Technology Firm, which was created to be the numero uno in business promotion development & implementation, eBusiness & IT systems integration and consultancy industry of the Nigerian Economy and to partners worldwide. Our Core strengths are - Tech Trainings and Certifications - Data Analytics and Cybersecurity Solutions - Software Development & Deployment for SME & Govt. - Tech Internship, HR & Partnerships
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