Career Tips: Ways To Earn Money As A Front-End Developer

Front-end development is a career path that can never be overlooked in the world of information technology. Most web and mobile applications couldn’t have been successful if not for front-end development. Front-end development has drastically changed the way we see and interact with both web and mobile applications. It has changed and still changing applications from static to interactive applications with dynamic features and functionality. A front-end developer must be creative and possesses a sound understanding of the life-circle of web application development, learn and understand HTML and CSS with knowledge of programming languages such as JavaScript. Aside from the many skills, frameworks, technologies, and environment, a front-end development must be familiar with, there are also career opportunities and various ways to earn financial rewards as a Front-end Developer. I have listed below areas and strategy by which a developer can financial benefits.

Create a portfolio

There first of getting yourself recognized in front-end development is by having a portfolio. Your portfolio tells people a lot about your work. You would never explain to your potentials clients better than your portfolio would. Some beginner developer would say they do not have projects yet to showcase; you don’t need to wait for a project to come your way before having a portfolio. Front-end development has all to do with creativity, so, create something inspiring, and create again and again to build that portfolio of yours.


Showcase your portfolio

Having a portfolio is good but showcasing it is great. You can showcase your portfolio by sending the URL/links to friends and potential clients but that is not enough. You can make use of some online platform to showcase your portfolio for free. Creating a page on Facebook, have a LinkedIn account are good ways to showcase your portfolio. You can advance it by having your own website or by showcasing on Behance, Ucreative, Dribble, DeviantArt, Design:Related and more.

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Advertise and Seek for projects

Now that you have a portfolio and platforms to showcase it on, it’s it time to start hunting for projects. Search for targeted individuals, companies and organisations that might be in need of your services. Send emails to your potentials clients and attached links to your portfolio. Also use your social media platforms to advertise your services. Create a blog or sign up with some article directories where you can write few articles and have your portfolio links embedded in them.


Most developers are making a substantial amount of money by freelancing. Sign-up on freelancing platforms such as Upwork, Elance, Toptal, Freelancer, Peopleperhour etc. Let your charge be moderate for a start and do not hesitate to offer some free services too. Most clients look for freelancers with a rich portfolio. Offering a good service for less or nothing will help you build your portfolio on the platform. Always deliver to your client on or before the estimated time; this will increase your chances of winning positive reviews from your clients.

Sell Scripts, themes and UI Kits

Being creative means you have the freedom to think and build something that could solve a problem, create an opportunity or proffer solutions. There lots of back-end developers who are in need of your front-end services to garnish their applications with, and lots of them can find you because they won’t be searching for you, rather they are searching for your products and services. Build applications that proffer solutions and place them for sale on platforms like creativemarket, themplatemonster, evanto’s ThemeForest and CodeCayon etc. Some developers make a lot of money from selling UI kits, themes and scripts. There good things about selling your themes or applications are; the platform is already there for you and you can sell one product or service for as many times you want to sell them without modification or customization.

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Create online courses

Most front-end development courses only need about 8 – 12 hours of lecture. You can make slides using Microsoft PowerPoint or Keynote, do a screencast or record your voice over the slides to address students. Just like selling UI kits and themes, you can also sell your courses on platforms such as Udemy, SkillShare, Lynda etc. You can also setup your own website to sell your courses or create an online training platform using WordPress.

Alternatively, you can create a YouTube channel where you can start teaching people how to code or help others by uploading short videos on how they can solve different problems while asking for donations or monetize your channel to earn from the Google Ads Network.

Consulting for Web Development Agencies

There many web development agencies who cannot afford to employ full-time senior developers, but the can afford to engage you for your services on hourly or contract basis as a consultant. With your expertise, you can reach out to as many agencies as you could and have them give a positive review of completed projects so as to convince other potential clients.

Soutech Career Tips


Create a platform or solution and upload on play store

Some seasoned developers are best known for the platform and solutions they have created. Front-end developers use JavaScript as their core languages for creating applications. You can start building mobile applications that proffer solutions or for fun and upload them on Google Play Store or Apple Store. Most developers build two apps version; a free version that contains limited features and google Ads for revenues, and pro version with additional features without google ads, but has a fee attached to it.

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Gain Employment

Arguable, front-end developers have always been high in-demand due to the importance and evolvement of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). Every organisation wants their application or website interface to be appealing and enthusiastically efficient. As a front-end developer, make your resume shine with your acquired skills in HTML/CSS Frameworks, JavaScript libraries and Frameworks, UI Design and Mock-ups and start applying to organisations who are hiring.

Do you want to be a Front-end developer?

Soutech Web Consults offer various I.T. training such as Website Design, Mobile Application Development, Digital Marketing, Web Programming, Cyber Security and more.


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Author: SouTech Team
Soutech Ventures is primarily an Information Technology Firm, which was created to be the numero uno in business promotion development & implementation, eBusiness & IT systems integration and consultancy industry of the Nigerian Economy and to partners worldwide. Our Core strengths are - Tech Trainings and Certifications - Data Analytics and Cybersecurity Solutions - Software Development & Deployment for SME & Govt. - Tech Internship, HR & Partnerships
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