Why You Need to Learn IBM SPSS Data Analysis Software Now

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Propel research and analysis with a fast and powerful solution

IBM SPSS Statistics is the world’s leading statistical software used to solve business and research problems by means of ad-hoc analysis, hypothesis testing, geospatial analysis and predictive analytics. Organizations use IBM SPSS Statistics to understand data, analyze trends, forecast and plan to validate assumptions and drive accurate conclusions.

There are four(4) Ways SPSS can help:

Power every decision with predictive insights

With IBM SPSS software you can make data-driven decisions everywhere to improve business results and manage risk

  1. Using IBM Customer Analytics Solutions to Improve Acquisition Efforts
  • Strengthen customer loyalty and retention
  • Enhance the effectiveness of every customer interaction.

2. Minimize and mitigate fraud

  • Outsmart fraud to protect your organization’s revenue and reputation.

3. Optimize hiring processes

  • Match the right people to the right roles and reduce attrition.

4.  Drive revenue growth and profitability

  • Quickly identify new opportunities for growth and competitive advantage.
  • The Question on your lips right now might be who uses IBM SPSSspss training in nigeria

Who uses IBM SPSS Statistics?

Businesses use analytics for:

• Sales and marketing forecasting and budgeting
• Database and direct marketing
• Product attribute testing
• New product development
• Financial account balancing
• Risk and credit management
• Customer and employee satisfaction surveys
• Planning for facility and staffing resources
• Market basket analysis
• Operational excellence

Colleges and universities use analytics for:

• Teaching and student assessment
• Administration
• Enrollment management
• Alumni development
• Research

Schools and school districts use analytics for:
• Student assessment
• Program assessment
• Community and staff surveys
• Planning and budgeting
• Facility maintenance scheduling

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Government agencies use analytics for:
• Human capital management
• Program evaluation
• Community and employee surveys
• Fighting crime and protecting public safety
• Promoting public health
• Preventing fraud, waste and abuse
• Environmental impact studies

Medical and healthcare organizations use analytics for:
• Evidence-based medicine
• Treatment outcome analysis
• Behavioral and biomedical research
• Outcome management

Probably the best way to learn any tool such as SPSS or technique is to slowly learn while doing.
Don’t learn in the abstract, but learn it while trying to use it to analyze some real data. Good enough SPSS has tonnes of sample data files you can start using to try out your skills.

So play around with it, look at your project and data, figure out what analyses make sense to carry out, and refer to tutorials to fill in what you need to know for the task at hand. Such a “just-in-time,” informal approach is a good one for a lot of the skills we pick up in life.

Interested in Learning Now?

spss research and analysis training in nigeria

Why should SOUTECH train you?

We are industry experts and have deployed web solutions for clients across board and still counting.

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We teachSPSS, data visualisation , reporting , Data science predictive modelling and machine learning(advanced couse).


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Who Choose SOUTECH Ventures Data Analysis Training in Nigeria

  • We provide an accelerated learning destination for data science and business analytics using  R, Python and SPSS .
  • We have team of experts and core industry professionals. Our faculty members have proven track record with global analytics experience.
  • Out training modules are case based and application based which enabling students to have the required confidence
  • We use live data in class to explain concepts and we also share recordings of all classes, class notes (codes),data sets, reading materials, case study and assignments.
  • We offer 30 Days time frame to students for makeup sessions & doubt clearing sessions.
  • We help students in placement guidance, making professional resume, provide questions and answers for interview preparation.
  • We helps students One-on-One attention by instructors.
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Author: SouTech Team
Soutech Ventures is primarily an Information Technology Firm, which was created to be the numero uno in business promotion development & implementation, eBusiness & IT systems integration and consultancy industry of the Nigerian Economy and to partners worldwide. Our Core strengths are - Tech Trainings and Certifications - Data Analytics and Cybersecurity Solutions - Software Development & Deployment for SME & Govt. - Tech Internship, HR & Partnerships
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